Being Me is the greatest challenge
to keep on moving when everything messed up
to keep on going when my vision turns upside down
to keep calm when my anger explodes
to keep smiling when all I have is sadness
to enjoy the real happiness that came only for a while

but only this way
these lessons had taught Me how to live
these challenges that made me stronger inside out
these stories that gave me strength to my weaknesses for each fate that you wrote for my Life
is nothing better but THE BEST!

“When you leave, remember to look back to see those you’re leaving behind. You never know, but they might be feeling miserable."



September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010

[my old blog]


HadiKU MusuhKU
Kak ainKU
Kak hannahKU
Lembah IlmuKU


skin by: Jane
edits by: nurfa

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Dekat tapi berjauhan
Demikian kenyataan
Ada garisan memisahkan

Bertemu tanpa bicara
Bicara tiada senada
Satu seksaan yang mendera jiwa rasa

Monday, March 29, 2010 @ 12:10 AM

Ya Rab, satukan semula hati kami sebagaimana Kau pernah menyatukannya dahulu.
sungguh aku rindu pada masa lalu.

Saturday, March 27, 2010 @ 4:43 PM
cats are harmless. erk?

tgh cuba jinak2kn diri dengan tatap gmbr2 kucing.
dengan pegang kucing dengan tangan sndr.

Thursday, March 25, 2010 @ 4:09 PM
asas pengajian keusahawanan

hari keusahahwanan sangt memenatkan dan
melemahkan semua otot2 yang ada dibadan
tp 'ala kulli hal, we had fun!
tgk tu aku ketawa smpi npk sume gigi.
soo buruk! -____-

Sunday, March 21, 2010 @ 1:55 AM
lagak bak primadona.

Dia ratunovela
Gaya hidup si drama mama
Cerita ceritanya saja
Mana mana
Lenggang lenggok bak primadona
Posing maut bertahta tiara
Gincu tebal merah menyala
Itu dia si

Kawan kawan langkah seribu
Semua dah tak sebulu
Sebab takut denggan gelagat yang tak menentu
Kata orang engkau tak setuju
engkau anggap itu merapu
Engkau bagai si luncai terjun dengan labu

Minah superstar lagak bak peragawati
Ratu novella meletup segala ciri ciri
Hidup pasti tinggi ulu mari paling asli
Cari kawan handal untuk senang jadi terkenal
Make up kena tebal lagaknya tak boleh diramal
Tak kisah menumpang kadang kadang bagaikan parasit

Saturday, March 20, 2010 @ 8:32 PM
future soulmate

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts longing.

It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals, or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true, I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.

I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty, even when it is not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours or mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children.

It doesn’t interest me who you are, or how you came to be here- I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

- The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Indian Elder

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 @ 9:55 AM

ape khabar adik2 kakak?
khabar baik mcm kakak ke?
rindu korg. ;)
jaga diri. doakan kak ijah k.

@ 9:41 AM

the time away from each other was good.
maybe,it’s better that way.
you think so too?

Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 11:26 PM
lets sit and talk

The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better.

@ 10:22 PM
pandai eh kau pujuk aku,haah!

Starting a Video Call with ...
End call (Alt+Q)

%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
tk sudi nk tatap wajah manis aku ke!! says:
sudi sudi
tapy mmg takle k0l
kau pat msie
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
ko g accept
jgn lupe pki baju! says:
accept ape
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
webcam lhh says:
aku ebuddy la
tak mcm kau , lappy gerl
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
abe kiree tk dpt webcam grr
bye says:
marah agy
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
saat aku perlukn ko. ko tkde says:
bilang in advance ahk
jady ley ku gy tmpt webcam
jgn ah gini
wlwpn kte tk nampak visually , aku nampak kau pat aty ku nie
jgn sad2 k

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 @ 1:35 PM

ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
salam djah...
niari dae kelas tk intro??
ade kn?
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
sape kate??
dah call teacher ke??
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
zhiang kate. and tchr pon katee
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
ler...Zhiang kate buat ape...
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
tchr pon ada mention
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
tpi hari last fri ktrng jumpe teacher...die tk ckp ape2 plak...
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
eh? alamak! kire ada class ke??
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
juz want to check...
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
jgn blg ada ughh
dh set mind tkd
susah nk set alek da
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
kelas adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
btol? kire kena siap ugh ni?
dh tknk g!!
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
krg ah....
sapa suruh set siang2....
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
abe how? btol2lh! ade ke tk!!
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
wan dah call...teacher kate ade kelas..!!
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
ada? k bye. tknk tawu!!
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
pe je la krng nie...
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
ape djah lak!!
kn tchr kate tkd lst wk! tchr ni tk siqoh lh!!
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
tu teacher lain la.....
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
tchr nie!! mane ada tchr lain
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
khofifful hifz...msih blh diterima...
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
tk siqoh! rejected. syahid blajakn utk djah k? thanks
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
klw krng tk gi....ktrg pun tk la..
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
ckp org!! pon sama. apelh tk istiqamah!
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
oits.....plajar quran n sunnah kene istiqomah ok...
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
klw istiqomah baik pergi!
djah tk g. malas!
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
djah...nk gi kelas tak???
low ade kereta..nk join??
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
syahid g?
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
gi la....
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
k djah tk g.
dh ada wakil dh g. ahah korg g k! ape ilmu korg dpt tu nnt pass dkat djah
djah tkley. mind once dh set badan ssh nk gerak
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
abe law gitu sape2 yg gi??
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
tk tawu. nad mcm tk. shidah and wani enth eh
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
pe la krng nie! tk sporting langsung.!
mmg tkde kelas la!!!
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
klw djah siap td cmne?AHAHAHA
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
releks la djah...tkkn marah. hee
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
hahaha. tklh. lega
atleast tkyh rs bsAlah klw tk dtg
ZiLdJiAn-Z.i.g.g.e.n.s- says:
hee...tula..lain kali jgn set mind siang sgt...
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
tchr yg blg last wk class cancl, jd djah set mind siang2 ugh
pasni djah ada class pkl 6.haissh!
mntk2 lh class batal! aminkn pls?

@ 12:12 PM
been distancing myself from you lately

I dont care whatever u like or u dislike n whatever u said
bcause u've talked extremely a lot.
I'll probably scream at your face if you piss me off, I swear!!

Monday, March 8, 2010 @ 7:12 PM
aku tak buta dalam menilai

aku ingin kau tahu
aku tk sempurna
jangan terlalu menaruh harapan
yang aku akan menatang kau bagai minyak yang penuh
kerana adakalanya aku akan menjadi manusia yang paling sadis
melukakan hati membuat kau menangis
dimasa yang lain aku akan selalu berada disampingmu
menghulurkan tangan untuk kau berpaut
saat kau perlu teman bicara,
bukankah aku ada bersamamu?
cuba semampu aku membuat kau rasa didengari
lantas apa yang membuat kau fikir aku begitu bersikap 'keakuan' ?
aku bukan mahu jadi mereka yang digelar 'lidah bercabang dua'
aku jujur dalam hubungan
cuma adakalanya aku tidak boleh terlalu jujur
kerana aku ingin menjaga hatimu yang setipis kaca
demi menjaga hati dan jalinan,
layakkah diri dilabel hipokrit?
jangan hanya kerana satu kesalahan
kau tutup mata dari melihat seribu kebaikkan
aku buntu,
mahu apa lagi kau?

@ 6:15 PM

im just hoping that time will not turn us into strangers.

that’s not too much to ask for right?

@ 3:19 AM
tweet tweet.

%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
fis bwat twitter ugh says:
tak abes2
best sgt ke
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
pls? utk aku. says:
k k utk kau aku bwat.
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
yay!! says:
ape kegunaannye
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
update status says:
status ape
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
mcm kau tgh mkn
tgh kasi kucing mkn
tgh blablabla
sume ugh says:
ape beze nan fb
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
fb mcm update sal jiwang2 ugh , mcm serious ckit
mcm love is hurt
tp twitter update yg biasa2,
mcm.. yay aku suke bcinta nan de.
cm gitu ugh .

Nurathifah says:
aku mls nk bertwitter
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
asl?? aku nk tawu kau nga watpe sume
Nurathifah says:
hahaah. memang tu ke fungsi twitter
kk mulai esok aku akan cube didik diri utk update k utk kau
%sitikhadijah% colour my life with the chaos of trouble says:
ye saye
aku cume nk tawu ape kwn2 aku bwat
jd tkdlh rs jauh sgt

hahaha! korg make sure rajinkn diri update status dkat twitter eh!! aku pegang janji2 korg.

Saturday, March 6, 2010 @ 10:54 AM
pakcik tk bertauliah!

driver shuttle bus ni sumpah mengundang kemarahan aku. adake de stop dkat tepi road and baca suratkhabar. pdhl ada passengers dkat dlm tgh kelam kabut pergi kuliah. sungguh tk lucu de boleh dgn santai baca suratkhabar dan suruh kte org tunggu de habis baca baru die drive alek. ni aku dh amek gmbr de, aku harap2 president malaysia ke paling tidaklh polis malaysia ke baca blog aku. ahaha! tinggi cita2 aku nk drg bc blog aku. jgn bace je, amek tindakan lh! geram sae.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 @ 7:41 PM
jangan beri aku puisi cinta.

aku tak percaya pada penyair
tak juga pujangga
yang aku ingin percaya hanya cintamu.